Jerome is a brave man. He has recorded some of the most difficult and precious music ever to vibrate our ear-drums. I love his heart. He loves Jerry Reed and Chet Atkins, so he gets my vote every time. Jerome possesses a restless spirit. he's always listening, learning and improving. His attitude and ability will take him far in this world. I know this...
Thank you, Jerome, for pouring yourself into these great songs. Jim and I admire you greatly! Your friend,

Tommy Emmanuel

I first met Jerome in Nashville in 1995. He asked for a lesson, after hearing him play I said "You're too good already, i'm not going to show you anything!" Later we visited Chet Atkins at his office and Jerome got his first chance to play for the Chief. I had survived my first "audition" for Chet some years earlier, and I know the pressure to play well for your hero that must be hidden beneath a calm exterior. Jerome played very well that day, and we even managed to weasel a lesson from Chet! It's interesting that Jerome, Tommy and myself are all self-taught guitarists who grew up in wildly different places, but we brought together by our love for Chet Atkins and Jerry Reed. This CD is a tribute to them and Jerome has given us some great new versions of old favorites. Tommy "Mr Groove" Emmanuel was a triple threat on drums, bass and guitar, and his musicianship brought the whole project together. I'm happy to have played a part in all this. Maybe Jerome will show me a few licks on the guitar sometime!

Jim Nichols

Jérôme MALAVAL vient de sortir un premier CD, "Strutttin'", qui constitue un témoignage de l'assimilation des musiques américaines en terre de France. Il revisite avec fraîcheur les grands standards de ses aînés Chet ATKINS et Jerry REED, des thèmes qui ne pardonnent ni l'insuffisance de culture ni l'absence de personnalité. Jérôme supervise ces cessions de haut vol avec gourmandise et mon enthousiasme vient de ce que la musique est joyeuse, saine et sans détour. Les joliesses mélodiques font que tout paraît simplicité alors qu'on est dans la performance authentique.
Du son, on retiendra qu'il est excellent, remarquablement servi par une prise de son et un mixage impeccable pour la perception de la finesse et des détails.
Des musiciens, on perçoit, dès l'écoute, qu'ils sont parmi les meilleurs : ce ne sont pas moins que Jim NICHOLS, l'américain, et Tommy EMMANUEL, l'australien, qui signent bon nombre de chorus. Un disque "Tribute" de guitaristes au sein duquel on se sent profondément bien.
Un enregistrement qui distille dynamisme et volubilité. On imagine aisément Jérôme MALAVAL heureux de l'avoir réalisé...

Pierre DANIELOU, responsable de la programmation du Festival International d'ISSOUDUN.

Jerome MALAVAL is a new player on the musical scene. He has taken the works of the great Chet ATKINS and Jerry REED and added his own innovations. His playing is crisp and his ideas are interesting. I think he his an exciting addition to the world of guitar !

Mark PRITCHER, President of the Chet Atkins Appreciation Society, Knoxville, TN, USA.

Il aura fallu que j'aille aux Etats-Unis pour découvrir un guitariste virtuose émule de Jerry REED. Quoi d'étonnant, me direz-vous ? C'est que Jérôme MALAVAL, lui, il est français ! Alors avis aux organisateurs de spectacles : j'aimerais bien faire moins de kilomètres pour avoir le plaisir de l'admirer sur scène.
Et bravo pour ce superbe CD franco-américain !!!


"Struttin'" de Jérôme MALAVAL, c'est l'esprit traditionnel de Nashville retrouvé : une technique magnifique au service des grands mythes de la musique du Tennessee, Chet ATKINS et Jerry REED.En attendant le deuxième album, merci pour ce beau moment !

Valérie Duchateau

Chet Atkins and Jerry Reed are my heroes. Thanks to Jim Nichols and Tommy emmanuel, recording their music was a wonderful experience. these two guys are not only guitar geniuses, they are also incredibly generous people.

Jérôme Malaval